The HAL portal of the University of Perpignan Via Domitia exists since May 2015. It lists the university's publications (full text or references). The university library is in charge of the coordination and the harmonisation of the portal, with the Directorate of Research and Valorisation (DRV). Referents for each laboratory are responsible for collecting scientific data. The referents can be in charge of a collection (in the lab) or confide this responsibility to the university library. Researchers are also free to upload their publications themselves.



Coordination: Sonja Böttger - 04 68 08 67 82

Leader: Etienne Rouziès - 04 68 66 22 84

Publications of the university's research centres

The CRIOBE focuses on insulary and environmental observation.

The CRESEM is a pluridisciplinary research centre. It regroups researchers in departments as diverse as Literature, Foreign Languages, Sociology, Law and Business Studies.

LAMPS is a Mathematics, Physics and IT research centre.

HPE regroups researchers from different universities in the fields of Biology, Environmental Studies and Evolution.

PROMES is a CNRS research centre which focuses on solar energy and its development through research on topics such as materials, transportation and storage.

The CEFREM's main focus is the coast as an interface for exchanges of materials and energy. Although it was at first a lab in geology and sedimentology, it is now a pluridisciplinary research centre.

The LGDP is a genetics research centre which focuses on plant genomes.

Thematical collection created by the university

TDS-MACS - Réseau de recherche en Théorie des Systèmes Distribués, Modélisation, Analyse et Contrôle des Systèmes

Open Access

36 %



9 567

Bibliographic records

22 981


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